Homestead Declarations
(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society
Applicant and Family Information |
Tabacchi, Domenico; Rachael/Rachele; 2 minors (L-401) |
Taber, John S.; Isabella (D-479, probate) |
Taggart, John, married |
Talbot, Mary W.; Kennedy B. |
Tarbett, F. B. (P.); wife |
Tarrant, H. F.; married |
Tarzyn, Joseph; Anna |
Tatum, Miriam T.; husband F. P. |
Taylor, Lewis K.; Catharine O'Brien Taylor |
Taylor, Chas. H.; Elsano |
Taylor, Frances A.; John |
Taylor, Gertie C.; John D. |
Taylor, Luther, married |
Taylor, Martha M.; Daniel S. |
Taylor, Nannie C.; John S. |
Taylor, S. F.; Ruth S.; 3 minors |
Taylor, W. H. H.; Maria |
Teague, C. P.; wife |
Teale, Kate L.; G. W. |
Tellefson, Oscar T.; Julia; 1 child |
Tempel, Conrad; wife |
Tennant, Richard Edward; wife |
Tennant, Rosa A.; Wm. |
Tenney, John M.; wife |
Terry, J. W.; wife |
Terry, John L.; America |
Tharp, Sarah F.; Scott M. |
Thatcher, David; C. A., wife |
Thayer, F. L., unmarried (H-115) |
Thayer, Franklin L.; Elizabeth A. |
Thielemann, Henrietta; Christian |
Thierkoff, Frank G.; M. A., wife |
Thiessen, Friedrich; wife |
Thilo, Anna; C. A. (notarization: C. J.) |
Thing, Sarah J., married (see F-130; E-164) |
Thistle, James M.; Mary |
Thom, Charles J.; Elizabeth B. |
Thomas, Alfred R.; Pearl; 2 children |
Thomas, Alonzo; A. M. (B-544) |
Thomas, Carolina; Joseph (Carolina E. aka Caroline) |
Thomas, J. S.; wife |
Thomas, Triennial T.; Herbert O. |
Thomas, Warren S.; Mary Jane (C-105) |
Thompson, Thomas L.; wife |
Thompson, A. W., married |
Thompson, Albert; Annie (K-381) |
Thompson, Abram W., married |
Thompson, Annie; Albert |
Thompson, Annie; Albert |
Thompson, Edgar I.; Caroline |
Thompson, Edward; Kate E. |
Thompson, Eliza; I. H. |
Thompson, Frank; Juanita |
Thompson, G. W., married |
Thompson, J. C.; wife |
Thompson, J. H.; Eliza |
Thompson, James D.; Mary Elalina (1/2/1874, C-239) |
Thompson, M. J.; J. S. |
Thompson, Martha; E. G. C. |
Thompson, Mary Jane; J. S. |
Thompson, Matilda E.; Jefferson A., dec'd, probate |
Thompson, N. M.; Charles |
Thompson, Nellie B.; John S. C. |
Thompson, R.; wife |
Thompson, Robt. A.; wife |
Thompson, Thos B.; Elizabeth |
Thompson, Thomas L.; wife |
Thonley, Henry; Mary |
Thomson, Mary A.; Jens (K-33) |
Thomson, Edwin P.; Mary |
Thorman, J. H. C.; Anna |
Thorne, Mary A.; C. L. |
Thornley, Mary, widow of Henry |
Thorpe, Caroline A. M. P.; William (D-450) |
Thrift, Sabin D.; wife |
Thurston, Amelia S.; Andrew; probate |
Thurston, Edna; Geo. B. |
Tibbits, Mrs. Ollie; Charles A. |
Tickner, Daniel, married |
Tidball, Lois E.; Chas. B. |
Tighe, Kelley, married |
Tighe, Annie; Kelly |
Tocchini, Assunta; A. H. aka Arideo |
Todd, Alice Fiske; husband |
Todd, James M.; Mary J. |
Tomblinson, Rena L.; husband |
Tomblison, Samuel; wife (G-49, probate) |
Toombs, Sarah J.; H. C. |
Torliatt, Adrienne; Peter (K-354) |
Toroni, Margherita; Bartolomejo |
Torrance, Mrs. J. L.; Joseph L. |
Tourady, Ida M.; J. M. |
Tovani, Ella; Romvaldo (I-389) |
Towne, Smith D.; Amanda H. Towne |
Towne, Smith D., married |
Tracy, Wm. N., married |
Trambley, Thomas, married |
Traser, Philipp; wife |
Trautner, Max; Frances |
Travis, Anne, widow |
Treadway, Griffin; Elizabeth |
Treadway, Nancy J.; Richard M. |
Treadway, Sarah; Daniel G. |
Treibig, Susan K.; Lorenzo G. |
Treub, Henry; Susana |
Trevor, Frank; Mary A. |
Trine, Eula E.; Oliver P. |
Trinque/Tringue, Margaret; W. D., husband |
Trotter, Sarah E.; Richard |
Trowbridge, Emma B.; George T. |
Trowbridge, Geo. Otis; Louisa Maria (E-429) |
Trowbridge, Geo. T.; wife |
Truell, Geo., insolvent debtor |
Truell, Laura; Geo. R. |
Truett, Mortimer K., married |
Truitt, James H., married |
Truitt, Mary E.; Eugene R. |
Truitt, Miers F.; Salena G. |
Truitt, Roland K.; Sinai; 3 minors (F-590, L-497) |
Tucker, Harold G.; Mattie W. |
Tucker, Henry T.; wife |
Tupper, G. A., married (F-534) |
Turman, Benjamin C., married |
Turnbull, Susan; Thomas |
Turner, C. F.; Libbie M. |
Turner, C. F.; Libbie M. |
Turner, C. F.; Libbie M. |
Turner, C. F.; Libbie M. |
Turner, J. M.; wife |
Turner, John; Harriet C. (see C-235) |
Turner, Peter W.; married |
Tustin, Isaac; Josephine |
Turner, John, married; elderly sister |
Turner, Robert Wilson; Ada Maude |
Turner, Samantha E., head of family |
Turner, W. J.; Susan E. |
Tuttle, Florence McLeod; Lauren T., husband |
Tuttle, Permilia A.; Jeremiah |
Tuomey, Catherine; Bertholoma, husband |
Tuller, Jas. M.; Alisha |
Tuller, James M.; 2 minors of whom he is father |
Tustin, Columbus |
Tyler, Flora E.; Joseph Leander |
Tyther, Joseph; Honora |