Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Rackliff, Julia M.; Eugene L.

Rafael, Manuel Ignacio; wf. Ignacio Rose; no children; probate

Rafael, Pulisenia/Polcena; M. E. (I-432) (7/8/1908, K-143)

Railsback, Wm. H.; Mary Jane (10/12/1870, B-458)

Rainey, A. C.; Martha N. (B-163)

Rains, Agnes; Gallant (I-295; I-258)

Rains, W. P.; no family mentioned

Ralston, Annie; John

Rambo, Ann; widow of Isaac

Ramoni, Cora Walker; F. L.

Ramos, Carolina E.; Jose C.

Rand, Joseph; Marian W.

Randall, Raymond L.; Hattie F.

Randolph, E. B.; Rosa

Randolph, Eliza; Orton

Randolph, Rachael C., widow

Rapun, Angel; wife

Rasmason, Peter; wife

Rasmussen, Eva; A.

Rathbun, Edwin D., married

Rathbun, Erskine; Cynthia M.

Ray, Elvira, married

Raymond, Helen A.; Charles F. (F-352)

Raynaud, Paul B.; Ella H.; 2 children

Rea, Martha Ann, widow

Read, Robert; wife

Reagan, John; married

Redmond, Mrs. Jane; Patrick

Reed, Bridget; Michael

Reed, Daisy T.; Clarence E.

Reed, Emeline, unmarried

Reed, James F., married

Reed, Margaret; Joseph H.

Rees, C. W., married

Regan, John, married (C-520)

Rego, Victorina Gloria, widow; minor dau. Adelaide

Rehe, Alma; Chas.

Reichenbach, Grace Anna; Magnus F. (6/23/1890, D-566, probate)

Reid, Sarah R. Cobb; Nelson B.

Remer, Mrs. Lida; Eugene B.

Remley, Mildred C.; widow of Wm.;(minor children: Wm., Leona, Mildred, Carrie

Renfro, S. W.; family

Renstrom, Ole; Hulda

Respini, Giovani; wife

Reyburn, L. C., married

Reynolds, John W., married

Reynolds, O. M.; W. D., husband

Reynolds, William J.; I. Sabelle

Rhoades, Daniel; Mary Ann

Rhoades, Joan; Sam'l

Riblet, H. M.; Alma

Rice, Caroline E., widow; family

Rice, Eliza Ann; Patrick (B-529)

Rich, J. P.; Sarah S.

Rich, Wm. B.; Ella

Richards, Edwin; Bessie

Richards, Philena H.; John, dec'd; probate

Richardson, Clifton P.; Gertrude Sands; children: Dorothy, Kathleen

Richardson, Eliza C.; Forrest C.

Richardson, Evalena V.; husband M.

Richardson, Margaret; James

Richardson, Walter M.; Jessie G.

Richman, Louis P.; Jane A.; no children

Rickard, J. S.; married

Ricklifs, Alice B.; Peter H. (L-159)

Ricklifs, Alice L.; Henry H.

Ricksecker, Henriette E.; Lucius E.

Riddle, David M.; Susan M. (I-316; I-363)

Ridenhour, Lewis W.; Mary E.

Rider, Lewis E.; Susie E.

Riedi, Valentine; wife

Rien, Samuel; wife

Riens, Wm.; Abbie

Riese, Ada; Herman

Riewertz, Henry M.; Mathilde; 4 min. children: Ocke, Christ, Minnie, Mattie; probate

Riley, Catherine; Patrick

Rippeto, O.; married to …Pattow

Rippin, Mary A.; Wm.

Risdon, Sarah T., married

Risso, G. B.; Maria; 3 children

Ritchie, Mary Agnes; James Taylor

Ritchie, James Taylor; wife

Ritter, Mary E.; Carl E.

Rizzi, Luigi; Virginia

Roach, Thomas; Anna (12/6/1876; D-57)

Robbins, A. S., wife of George; 6 children

Roberson, Jas. Edward; wife

Roberts, Charles; wife

Roberts, Edward W., married

Roberts, Mrs. Elizabeth G.; Charles

Roberts, Eliz.; Robert E. (3/1/1895, H-177)

Roberts, Mrs. Emily H., widow; 7 children

Roberts, John M.; wife

Roberts, Inez M.; husband James M.

Roberts, J. S., married

Roberts, Mary, single

Robertson, A. B.; wife

Robertson, Henry A.; Miney

Robertson, Mary; John W.

Robertson, Robert; Phebe S.

Robertson, Sarah A., married (Robinson)

Robertson, W. D.; unmarried; 1 child

Robinson, Fanny J.; B. K.

Robinson, Mary; J. R.

Robinson, Sarah M.; John W. (D-5)

Robinson, S. S., married

Robinson, W. I.; Abigail M.

Robison, Caroline, widow

Roche, Joseph T.; Alice P.

Rochford, Thos.; Sebina L.; family (A-68; C-367)

Rockhold, S. N., married

Rodd, Mary J.; Samuel (I-369)

Rodeck, Letitia; John

Rodehaver, Amelia C.; John P. (7/15/1879, D-433; F-186)

Rodgers, A. W., married

Rodgers, Frances Jeanette; John

Rodgers, Ida; Robt. F.

Rodgers, John; Ann

Rodgers, Nancy E.; Warren

Roe, Teresa Fink; Chas. C.

Roe, Wm. S.; family

Rogers, Alexander W.; Mary Ann

Rogers, Harriet L., married

Rogers, Lucinda M., head of family; minors: 7

Rogers, W. K.; wife

Rohr, Rosalie C.; S. M., husband

Rohrer, Calvin; Susan

Rollins, Harriet F.; Calvin I.

Rommell, Mary Alice; Geo. B.

Roney, J. M., married

Roof, George M.; Matilda

Rose, B. N.; Dale M.

Rose, J. W., married

Rose, Mary; Jerry; minor children: Jerry, William, Charles, Lena

Rose, Rufus C.; wife

Rosenberg, Esther C.; Wolf

Rosenberg, Jeremiah W., married

Rosenberg, John, married

Rosenthal, Joseph, married

Ross, Mrs. Ellen; Gilbert McM.

Ross, Mrs. Harriett M.; William D.

Ross, Lena; George A.

Ross, Martha A.; H. J.

Ross, Mary E.; hus. Kemp L. dec;d, (K-307); Milton Kemp, minor

Ross, Milburn, married

Ross, Ridley B., Eviza Ann

Ross, Robert, married

Ross, William; Elizabeth Mehegan

Rossi, Antonio; wife

Rotchford, Thomas, married

Roth, Fritz; Frances

Rotthaus, Anna Emily; F.

Rovai, Louise; F. P.

Rowe, Nicholas; family

Rowland, Minnie C.; E. S.

Rowlson, Eliza A.; E. E.

Royal, Helen A.

Rude, Thos. G., married (D-290)

Rudesiel, Jessie P.; family

Rudesiel, John A.; Sarah J.

Ruffner, Charles K.; unmarried (L-279)

Rugg, Emily Jane; John T. (4/29/1868, B-231)

Rugg, Fannie A.; W. H.

Runnison/Rennison, Margaret, married

Runyon, Robt. B.; Julia Ann

Runyon, Sarah M.; Wm. S.

Rupe, David C., unmarried

Rupe, Samuel H.; Margaret J. (A-517; abandonment A-93)

Russell, A. W.; Henrie H., wife

Russell, Edna E.; Clarence J.

Russell, Hugh A.; Sarah

Russell, Laura Frances; Geo. W.

Rutherford, John; Katherine; no children

Rutledge, Adelaide M.; Thomas

Ryan, P.; wife

Ryan, Patrick H., married

Ryan, W. H., married