Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

MacDonald, Mattie F.; Alexander S.

MacGregor, Matha J.; A. P.

MacKenzie, Annie S.; Alexander G.

MacKenzie, Margaret A. (formerly Carter); Richard F.

Mackey, Addie May, married

Mackey, Emily; Geo. Herbert

MacKillop, Donald V.; Emma

Macy, Hiram; family

Macy, Wm. M.; Vesta S.

Maddalena, A.; wife

Maddux, W. H.; wife

Madison, J. H.; Charlotte R.

Madsen, Emilie K.; H. H. (11/16/1899, I-223)

Maede, August, married

Maffei, Angelina; Italo

Magee, Thos. W.; wife

Magg, Frank; wife

Mahan, Jno.; Rebecky

Mahoney, John; Mary Ann

Mails, Claudia M.; Wm.

Main, Mary E.; James A.

Mallory, Andrew P.; Harriet C.

Mallory, George B.; Juniatta

Malnick, Samuel

Maloney, David; Ellen

Maloney, Patrick; Mary

Manchester, Emeline C.; Edmund F.

Mane, Anna; James

Mangin, Gladyst M.; Eugene L.

Mann, Edwin E.; Elzina E.

Mann, H. L.; Ida M.

Mann, Lafayett L.; Martha Ann

Mann, Mary; John (4/17/1863, A-548; 4/14/1868, B-223)

Mann, Wm. D., married; family

Manning, John, married

Mansfield, Mrs. F. M., widow; 2 minors

Mansfield, Lyons (Note: Book B lost); probate

Mansfield, Sophia, widow

Mardon, Henry R.; Emma

Marks, Benj., married

Marris, Ernest A.; Minnie E.

Manuel, H. C.; Nettie

Marall (Maral), Mary; Frank S.

March, Sarah E.; Wm. J.

Marcill, Napoleon; wife

Marris, Ernest A.

Marshall, Mrs. F. L.; Frank L.

Marshall, Hattie L.; Thos. H.

Marshall, John; wife

Marshall, Nannie; Wm. H.

Marks, Berry, married

Maroni, P.; wife

Maroni, Peter; wife

Marsh, Rachel B.; Henry

Marshall, E. B.; married

Marshall, Henry; Sarah

Marshall, Sarah A.; married (est. of John, 1/2/1883, E-298)

Marthisen, W. D.; Ethel

Marti, Eliz. J.; Melchior, dec'd, probate

Martin, Angeline B.; J. M.

Martin, Christian Julius; Lurena Florence

Martin, Hattie B.; Eugene E.

Martin, James; Mary Ann

Martin, John S.; wife

Martin, John S., Jr.; family

Martin, Lillie E.; Wm. K.

Martin, Mary Ann; S. B.

Martino, Giovannoni; wife

Mascherini, Maria; Faust E.

Mason, Centhia; Frank L.

Mason, Julia M.; William

Mason, Serena H., married

Mast, Sarah E.; family

Mathe, Georgina, widow of Louis

Mather, Kittie; Wm.

Mather, William; wife

Mathers, L. H.; Katie S.

Mathews, Alfred F.; Mary Frances

Mathews, John, married

Mathews, M. H., widow

Mathewson, Harley P.; wife

Mathewson, Maria A.; Roderick (1/9/1861, abandonment,


Mathisen, Charles S.; wife

Matson, Mary M.; Jacob

Matthews, Alfred F., Mary F. (9/2/1871, B-556)

Matthews, Elias M.; Juliet

Matthews, Mary Ellen; John J.

Matthews, Eliza; Geo. J.

Matthies, Lina; Heinrich

Matthews, O. B.; Taliatha (7/3/1866, A-706)

Matteson, Alvin C.; Lottie D.

Matteucci, Lawrence; Emma C.

Matthies, Lina; Heinrich

Mauch, Mrs. Dora; Adam

Maxwell, C. L.; wife (6/9/1884, F-7)

Maxwell, J. G.; Annie M.

Maxwell, John M.; Clara L.

May, J. J.; Mary L.

May, Mary C.; Hugh S.

Mayer, Lewis W.; family

Mayfield, Geo. W.; wife

Mayfield, Lucy A.; Geo. W.

Maynard, May; Harry H.

Mazota, Ellen/Hellen; Louis; child Lilly May (8/20/1878,


Mazza, Ralph; Olive

McAndrus, P., widower; 5 children

McAskill, Maggie; Angus

McAuliffe, Helen; P.

McBean, Mary Anne, widow

McBride, Murrie J.; Mary E.

McCain, Geo. W.; Margaret Ann (C-275)

McCallum, Geo. S. Kellie; wife

McCallum, H.; wife

McCann, Ellen; John (6/13/1891, E-170, probate)

McCappin, Lavina; James

McCargar, Hugh S.; Minnie E.; 2 minors (K-120)

McCarcy, Myrtle A.; Harry

McCarthy, Mary E.

McCarthy, Michael; Bridged

McCartney, Sarah L.; James

McCarty, Catherine, widow of Andrew

McCarty, Mary; Wm.

McCarty, Mortimer, married

McCaughy, Nancy; James

McChristian, Sarah; Patrick

McChristian, Viola F.; Wm. E.

McClish, Thomas

McClure, Mrs. F. L.; Nathaniel C.

McConathy, James; Mrs. F. A.

McCoy, Elizabeth; John

McCracken, J. C.; Rebecca

McCrae, Emma C.; Josephine; James, dec'd

McCray, Frances C.; Warren; probate

McCready, Samuel, married

McCulloch, Harriet E.; Robert (2/7/1885, F-21)

McCullum, John A.; Mary P.

McCutchan, Angeline; David M.; 3 minors

McCutchan, Stanley; Elizabeth M. (6/3/1915, L-181); probate

McCutchan, Mary P.; George F.

McDaniel, Wm.; Elizabeth H. (L-66)

McDermott, Wm.; Betsey

McDonald, John; Catherine

McDonald, Donald; Louisa D. (A-190)

McDonald, Frank; wife

McDonald, John; Catherine

McDonald, Thomas; Ora Brittain (minor child)

McDonald, Peter; Sarah

McDonell, Maggie; R. A.

McDougal, Susannah; Peter

McElhany, Maggie; Speer

McFadgen, Allen, married

McFarland, Alexander, married

McFee, Anna Margaritte, widow

McGaha, Andrew J.; Mary E. (2 children)

McGee, Robert; Hanorah

McGee, H. W., married

McGee, Henry W.; Sarah A.

McGee, James H., married

McGee, Robert (no family)

McGinty, James

McGeorge, Robert; wife

McGeorge, Robt., unmarried

McGhan, Martin, married

McGovern, Freda; John Joseph

McGovern, Mrs. Katie L.; Daniel

McGraul, Michael, married

McGregor, Wm. K.; Mrs. Anna

McGrew, J. C.; Sophia

McGuire, Cloie A.; Thomas

McGuire, Cornelius, married

McGuire, Margaret; John

McHarvey, Chas.; Avilla A.

McHenry, James; Sarah D. Pearce, wife

McIlmoil, Almira L.; John

McIntosh, J. E.; Margaret

McIntosh, John Edward; wife

McIsaac, Margaret; Alexander

McKay, Angus, married (5/17/1867,B-117)

McKeadney, Katie; Hugh (dec'd), (2/9/1903, H-138, probate)

McKee, Samuel H.; Mary Isabelle

McKenzie, James; wife

McKenzie, John Washington; wife

McKenzie, Wm. A., unmarried

McKenzie, Winefred A.

McKillap, Dugald; Huldah G.

McLane, Addie; Charles A.

McLean, Annie/Anna; Donald (1/2/1891, G-152)

McLean, Mrs. Ellen M.; widow

McLean, H. M.; wife

McLennan, Dora; M. K.

McLeod, Daniel; Elizabeth W.

McLeod, Mary Helen; John A.

McMannis, Retena H.; Thomas J.

McMannus, Eliza Jane; J. G.

McMillen, Margaret, widow

McMinn, John; wife

McMullen, Bridget; John (6/4/1890, D-556, probate)

McMullen, Daniel; married

McMurray, Amanda; E. L.

McMurray, Elijah S., head of family

McNabb, James H., head of family of 4 children

McNally, Mary; Michael (2/18/1884, Mary dec'd. E-442 decree)

McNamara, Barney; Harrich/Harriet O'Rourke, wf. (4/15/1871,


McNeil, Zephra A.; Silas W.

McNeill, John , married

McPherson, Early; wife

McPherson, Lycursus; wife (insolvent debtor, 10/17/1881, F-4)

McPherson, Perry L.; Margaret J.

McReynolds, James; Anna

McReynolds, Emma; Sam'l

McReynolds, Wm.; family

McRossie, Jane; James

Meacham, Eliz. A.; Geo.

Meacham, Sarah J.; Alonzo (8/25/1875, C-433)

Mead, James A., married

Mead, W. H., married; family

Mead, W. R., married; family

Mead, Wm; Catherine

Meadors, Peter H.; wife

Meadows, Mollie A.; widow of Peter H.

Means, J. S.; Kate

Meddock, Jesse T.; wife Hermuna

Medley, A. G., married

Meehan, Catherine; Patrick

Meehan, Patrick, married

Meek, Alice; W. E. (11/6/1911, K-399; 11/11/1914, L-114)

Meeker, J. O., head of family, unmarried

Meeker, Melvin C.; wife Flavia

Mego, Tony; wife

Meier, Minna; Gustav

Melehan, Ellen Gertrude, head of fam.; incl. father, unmarried


Mellehan, Mariah; P.

Mello, Frank J.; Leeta

Melson, Emma; John

Mendenhall, J. G.; Margaret

Menefie, Drucella, widow

Meneray, Emma P.; P. A.

Menne, Frank; wife

Mentzer, P. B., dec'd; Annie E., probate

Merchant, Joel; wf.Mary Ellen

Merchant, Mary Louisa; Thos. Sam'l

Meridith, Margaret E.; Cyrus U. (3/20/1895; H-194; 8/14/1897,

  H-608; 8/21/1897, H-613)

Merker, John; Anne

Merritt, Louise B., div. from F. A.; children: Marguerite, 14; Mary Burd, 11

Merritt, Mary; John

Messerli, Gotlieb; Elizabeth

Metcalf, S. W., married

Metzenbach, Wm. B.; Emma W.

Metzger, Augusta; Wm.

Metzger, Mrs. Wilnar E.; Joseph E. (7/7/1888, F-476; 9/13/1888, F-505; Joseph insolvent 12/3/1889, E-606)

Metzler, Dorothea, married

Metzler, Theo. C., married

Meyer, Bertha G.; Lawrence

Meyer, Claus; wife

Meyer, Samuel; Dora (8/29/1885, F-117; 11/12/1886, F-326)

Meyer, Carl; Mrs. Elizabeth

Meyer, Jacob F.; Barbetta, dec'd (8/2/1897, F-619, probate)

Meyer, Johanna; Anton, probate

Meyer, Lorentz, married

Meyer, Samuel, married

Michael, Emma A., married

Micheli, Charles; Mrs. Marguerite (4/30/1887, F-389)

Middleton, Emilie; W. H.

Middleton, J. H.; wife

Middleton, Walter V.; wife

Middleton, William T.; Nancy J.

Middleton, Zacharias; Z. A.

Migo, Rosa; Manuel

Miller, Margaret; James

Miller, Adam; wife (1/9/1891, G-159)

Miller, Anthony, married

Miller, Bertha; John

Miller, B. P.; Cora L.

Miller, Elizabeth E. LeGrand, widow

Miller, Francis M., married

Miller, George; Celia

Miller, Chas.; Hattie M.

Miller, Hiram B.; Jennie E.

Miller, James; Martha Jane

Miller, Jennie; Chas. R.

Miller, J. D.; Eliz. LeGrand, wife

Miller, Joel; Charlotte

Miller, John F.; Exor, wife

Miller, Jno. Talitha C.

Miller, John D.; wife (10/27/1891, G-253)

Miller, John D.; Elizabeth E.; minors (10/3/1873, C-229)

Miller, J. W.; wife

Miller, Lydia F., widow

Miller, Martha M.; J. M.

Miller, Mary E.; Geo. E.

Miller, Mrs. Nellie C.; Geo. M.

Miller, R. W.; wife

Miller, Saul; Sarah Margaret

Miller, Teresa; Jacob

Miller, Tom; Maud

Miller, Wayne D. L.; wife (1/30/1895, H-145)

Millerick, George; Catherine

Millerick, Ida L.; Michael

Milligan, Dolphus; Elva

Millikan, Henry L.; Sarah R.

Millington, N. Maria, widow of Seth; Ada; Grace; Olivia;

  Buchanan; Seth, 9 yrs.; John; Zachariah

Mills, Andrew; Caroline D.

Mills, Andrew (also see bankruptcy action)

Mills, A. J.; Nancy

Mills, Aurelia C.; John, dec'd

Mills, E. H.; wife

Mills, L. L.; Grace B.

Mills, Mrs. Pauline; Robert

Mills, Sarah; Geo.

Minor, B. M., married

Minto, Carrie E.; T. D.

Mintzer, P. B.; wife

Miranda, Josefa; Francisco

Mishima, Montaro; wife Teru

Misner, David R.; wife

Missbach, Maria B.; Ernest Albin

Mitchell, Hannah; Chas. E.

Mitchell, Hurley; E. R., husband

Mitchel, Jas. H.; family

Mitchell, John H.; family (Sadie a witness)

Mitchell, Lucy H.; head of family; 4 minors

Mitchell, Margaret A., formerly M. Dunbar, widow of Wm. F.

Mitchell, Margaret A.; L. W. (6/11/1884, F-8)

Mitoma, Y.; Towa, wife

Mize, Merrill, married

Moak, Boltis; wf. Boltis, Mary

Mobley, Pearl J.; J. Elmer

Mock, John L., married

Mock, Wesley; wife

Moebes, Augusta; August (1/28/1919, L-459)

Mohr, Elizabeth; Jacob

Moll, Lena; Emile (12/15/1914, L-124)

Moller, Henry, married

Molleson, Henry P.; wife Mary Fine

Moltzen, Detlef Frederick, married; 4 children only mentioned

Moniz, Manuel J.; Josephine M.

Monroe, William; Nancy (abandonment)

Monroe, Wm.; wife

Montague, Hugh; married; family

Moody, Bertha; Clyde L.

Moore, Archie S.

Moore, R. D.; Catherine E.; no children, probate

Moore, Cephas P.; wife

Moore, Chas. B.; Cornelia

Moore, Edwin, married

Moore, Electa; C. P., husband

Moore, Elvina; Austin (10/14/1912, K-460)

Moore, Eudora E.; Thos. B.

Moore, Mattie N.

Moore, Mrs. Naomi; Cephas P.

Moore, R. D.; Catherine E.

Moran, Eliz. J., widow

Morce, James Edwin; family

Moreland, Alice B.; W. W.

Moretti, Celestina; Achille

Moretti, Giovannina; Giuseppe

Morey, N. L.; Hannah P.

Morgan, Bridget, unmarried; family

Morgan, Caroline L., Mrs., unmarried, hd. Of family; 2 children & mother

Morgan, Geo. A., married

Morhbach, Nicholas, dec'd.; Catherine; no children (D-32, 33 & 34, all, probate)

Morley, Martha, married

Morrill, B. D.; wife; 5 children

Morris, Carrie S.; Edward

Morris, Joseph H. P.; wife Maria L. (B-76)

Morris, Lanna; John

Morris, Miles; wife

Morris, Sarah E.; J. C.

Morris, Wm. H.; Rhoda E.

Morissey, Annie R.; John

Morrison, G. T.; Estella M.

Morrison, Geo. T.; wife

Morrison, Hal; Edith

Morrison, Mahala; S.

Morrow, E. E., married

Morrow, J. H.; wife

Morrow, James, Jr., married

Morrow, James, Sr., married

Morrow, J., Sr.; Caroline E.

Morse, C. W.; Lillie

Morse, Daniel P., married

Morse, Edgar L.; Bertha E.

Morse, Joseph M., married

Morshead, Philip; Julia A.

Morton, David; Margaret M.

Morton, Martin F.; wife

Mothorn, D. H.; wife

Motkin, Ben

Mount, Charles V.; Irene B.

Mowbray, Mary J.; married; family

Moxon, Margret; Wm. H.

Mueller, Minnie; Chas. E.

Muff, Eliz.; John

Muldry, Martin; wife

Mulgrew, Felix; Susana

Mulgrew, Mary F.; John F.

Mulkey, Sarah N.; David Edward

Mull, Eliza I.; Nathan

Mullagan, John, married

Mullen, Ann; Eli

Muller, Carl, married

Muller, Mary, widow; John Kasper, dec'd 7/11/1891, intestate

Mulligan, John; Maria M.

Mullinax, I. G., married

Munday, B. B., married

Munsell, Sarah H., married

Murphy, Catharine, married

Murphy, Delia I.; Rufus

Murphy, Edward, married

Murphy, Mrs. Estelle; Peter Leo; child James Peter

Murphy, J. D.; wife

Murphy, Jeremiah, married

Murphy, Nancy J.; Richard W.

Murphy, Patrick; Mary

Murphy, Wyman; wife

Murray, Johanna; Patrick

Murray, Joseph; Sallie

Murray, Lena L.; Wm. H.

Murray, Margaret; Dennis

Murray, Patrick, married

Murray, Sarah, widow

Muther, Fanny M.; Frank (5/6/1886, F-255)

Myers, C. S. L.; wife H. M.

Myers, C. W.; wife

Myers, Jackson R.; Jane E.

Myers, Sarah H.; D. P.