Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Label, Heman; Hannah (2/21/1881, E-77)

Lafferty, Annie O.; H. C.

Lafferty, H. H.; married

Lafferty, J. H. C.; wife

Lafferty. Marshall, head of family

Lafranchi, Angelina; Frank

Lafranchi, John; Virginia

Lairamore, James W.; wife

Lake, Helen M.; Wm. D.

Laloli, Mrs. Sophie; N.

Lamance, Augusta M.; Geo. W.

Lamance, J. C., married

Lamb, Downing; Elizabeth

Lamb, Horace (widow, Perces 4/19/1869, B-319, Chas. C.,

Lamb, Rachael, married

Lambert, Emma, divorced widow of W. H., minor Orval

Lambert, Rebecca, widow of Silvanus D.

Lambert, Sarah J.; Richard

Lambert, Vincent D.; married

Lamkin, Abern A., married

Lamonte, Sarah; Herbert

Lancaster, William, married

Lancaster, Wm; Maria

Lancel, Melaine Hubert; Anseline, husband; probate

Landes, Goldie; R.

Landis, John; Blanche M.

Lane, Ann; Walter W.

Lane, Delia, married (formerly Delia Cronin)

Lane, Mrs. M. A.; M. A.

Langdon, C. W.; Eliza Jane

Langdon, Nora; C. W.

Langsley, Sarah A.; Albert

Lanoir, Augustine; Alex

Lapum, Harriet A.; Hicks

Larison, Eliz.; husband

Larison, Saml., married

Larkin, Cynthia A.; Seth (12/22/1881, E-174)

Larkin, Emma J.; Geo. H.

Larrabee, Hester A., widow

Larsen, Gertrude; Axel O.

Larsen, John; wife

Larsen, Olef; Caroline Johnson Larsen, wife

Lashier, F. A.; Clara E.

Lass, Henry F.; wife

Latapie, Edward, married

Latimer, L. D., married

Latimer, Sarah S.; Lorenzo D.

Lattanzi, Elena; Emil

Laufenberger, Mary; Michael

Laughery, Henry, married

Laughlin, J. P.; wife

Laughlin, J. M.; Sara C.

Laughlin, J. W.; Mary L.

Laughlin, James H.; Frances E.

Laughlin, John M.; Matilda

Laughlin, Marshall N., married

Laurenzi, Catherine; Placito

Lauteren, A. M.; F., husband

Laux, Hermann; wife

Lavin, Mary; James (4/16/1885, F-45; 8/16/1889, F-594; 8/17/1891, E-200, probate)

Lavine, Fannie E.; Frank

Lawler, Catharine; James

Lawrence, George, married

Lawrence, Julia D.

Lawrence, L. B.; Nannie L.

Lay, Henry D., Jr., married

Leal, Antonio A.; wife

Leard, Arminta A.; husband

Leary, James, head of family; 2 minor children

Leary, Thomas; Bridget O.

Leary, Wm., married

Leavenworth, T. M.; wife Cornelia F. (12/14/1895, F-174; 9/5/1893, probate)

LeBaron, Frances Margaret; Harrison M.

LeBrun, M. A.; Isabella

Leclerc, Lucie B.; Geo. A.

Leddy, Kate; Patrick

Lee, William G., head of family

Leek, Jessie V.; Geo. W.

Leek, Josephine; Wm. G.

Leeta, Margaret; Orton R. (2/21/1899, I-185)

Lefebvre, Isabella E.; O. M.

Lefurgey, Helen M.; O. B. (11/7/1918, L-446)

Legge, Thomas; family

Leggerini, Martin; Lauretta V.

Leiby, Fannie K.; Geo.

Leloh, Salina; F. O.

Lemmon, Ida G.; Fred G.

Lensey, John, married

Leonard, Esther; John

Leonard, Michael, single

Leonardini, Maria; Paolo; 3 children (9/28/1914, L-107)

Leslie, Jonathan, unmarried

Leveroni, Caterina, head of household; 5 minors

Levy, Susie; Mark

Lewis, Anna Amanda, widow; Wm. F. (3/9/1899, I-189)

Lewis, C. Lewis, widower

Lewis, E. A., married (“Vermont,” 2/12/1870, B-379)

Lewis, Hiram H.; Mary

Lewis, John M.; Jane

Lewis, John H., single

Lewis, John M., married

Lewis, John; Hattie M.

Lewis, Martin; Nancy (1/8/1872, C-26)

Lewis, Mary M., widow

Lewis, R. E.; wife

Ley, Henry D., married

Lichau, Mary; Albert E.

Liddy, Kate

Light, Emanual; Elizabeth Emily

Lightner, John M.; wife (Sarah, widow, 12/19/1882, E-293)

Likens, Amy J.; J. W. (7/30/1877, C-586)

Likens, Eliza Ann; Levi (1/30/1886, F-215)

Lind, Niles J.; Pearl

Lindley, Livah S.; Isaac N.

Lindley, Nellie; Chas. O.

Lindner, Gustave; Marie

Lindsay, Mary Ann; J. C. (10/6/1906, K-5)

Linebaugh, John; Catherine

Linihan, Catharine; J., husband

Linshan, Mary; Daniel I.

Linsley, Winfield S.; wife

Lippert, Edward F.; Emma Gray

Lippitt, Edward S., married

Lippman, Leo; Mary F. (10/20/1919, M-6)

Liss, Magdalena; Carl

Litchfield, Eliz. M.; Durant

Litchfield, Elmer, no family mentioned (Ester 6/13/1907-K-53)

Little, John F.; wife

Littlejohn, Anna; Ira J.

Litton, E. E., widow (Jackson P. dec'd 24 Oct. 1884; no children); probate

Litzins, Louis; wife

Lively, John W.; wife; 2 children

Livey, Charles R., married

Lloyd, John C.; wife

Lloyd, William, head of family

Lobo, Rosa; J. L.

Locatelli, Erminia; Faust

Loch, James N.; America

Lockie, Mary; John R.

Locknane, M. B., married

Lockwood, Armeda E.; Nelson

Lockwood, John E., married

Loftus, Mary; Patrick; probate

Loftus, Wm.; Margaret T.

Lombard, Fred; Georgia E.

Lombardi, Amelia; Severino

Lomont, A. A.; Elizabeth

Long, Aaron S.; Mariam W.

Long, F. M.; family

Long, Frederick; married

Long, Jeremiah; Mary

Long, Marguerite A.; M. H.

Long, Mary C.; John

Longley, Sylvia R.; Frank M.

Longly, Mary; R. G.

Lonigo, Helen; Emile V.

Looney, Robert; Sarah

Lopez, Minnie; Antonio B., dec'd; 3 minors; probate

Lopus, Frank R.; Mary

Lopus, Minnie; John

Lorch, John M., married

Lorentzen, Lorentz; Emma D.

Lott, Fannie J.; James F.

Lottritz, Maria Eliz.; widow of John

Loud, A. C.; Emily S.

Loughery, F. X.; wife

Loughnane, James; Mary Ann

Lounibos, Bertha Marie; Emile Paul

Lovejoy, A. P.; married (11/14/1867, B-153; 8/24/1878, D-312)

Lovejoy, George E., married

Lovejoy, John, married

Lovejoy, Moses; Charlotte

Low, Carrie B.; Chas. A.

Lowrey, Martha M.; Robert L. (1/22/1914, L-55; 4/14/1915, L- 161)

Lowry, George W.; married

Loyd, Catherine W.; Wm. L.

Lubeck, C. W. (K of Powers & C for Deeds)

Ludemann, Anna; John

Ludolph, Marie; married

Ludwig, Thomas J., married

Ludy, Carolina; Herman

Luff, Eva C., unmarried; head of family; 2 children; Genevieve Dalton, & Hale

Lumsden, Helen L.; A. M., dec'd

Lusk, Nannie T.; Wm.

Lutgens, Henry C.; Lizzie

Lutgens, John, married

Lutz, Celia; Israel

Lyman, Oma E.; Jas. H.

Lyon, Albert G.; Prudence

Lyon, Hattie E.; Chas. E.

Lyon, Mary E.; Earl T.

Lyon, R. B.; family

Lyons, Agnes; Thos. M. (5/10/1900, I-271)

Lyttaker, Ballariah J.; R. G.

Lyttaker, F. E.; Maria

Lyttaker, Marier; Finis Ewing

Lyttle, Lottie Lee, head of family (Mother)