Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Kadrolavansky, Alexandra, widow of P. J.

Kahrs, Alma; L. A.

Kalb, Annie M.; Peter J.

Karn, Lena R.; John M.

Katen, John; wife

Kauffmann, Margaret; Charles F. (10/4/1890, G-123)

Kavanaugh, Nicholas; Louisa

Kean, Serenia Ann; Joseph B.

Kearney, Annie; Dennis H. (4/22/1880, D-558)

Kearney, Eliz. D.; John

Kearns, Mrs. A.; James J.

Keaton, Mrs. M. J.; W. M.

Keays, Wm. S., married

Keeler, Effie B.; John E.

Keener, Eleanor; John D.

Keim, B. F., no family; probate

Keim, Eliza Amanda; R. F. (B. F.?) (2/7/1880, D-518)

Keith, Caroline J.; Joseph S.

Keller, Esther M.; A. H.

Keller, Friedericks; Mary

Kelley, Alfred & Eunice

Kelley, Jane, widow of W. H.

Kelley, John; wife

Kelley, Sarah Z.; James

Kellogg, Merritt G.; Eleanor K.; one child

Kelly, Albert; (Charity G. 10/16/1873; C-247; Charity S. 7/8/1878, D-286)

Kelly, Alfred; Eunice H. (1/12/1867, B-79; 6/30/1902; abandonment)

Kelly, D. W.; wife; abandonment

Kelly, Dan John; Julia

Kelly, Daniel W.; Ann

Kelly, John, married

Kelly, Linnie; Chas. A.

Kelly, Margaret; John

Kelly, Mary; James W.

Kelly, Michael; Norah; no children

Kelly, Mrs. Mary; W. P.

Kelty, Sarah J.; Geo.

Kemp, F. B.; Helen B.

Kendall, John, married

Kenneally, James; Addie; 3 children

Kennedy, G. W.; wife

Kennedy, Geo. H.; wife

Kennedy, Mary; Chas.

Kenney, James; Ellen

Kenney, Mary; Thomas

Kessenich, Henrich, married

Kessing, Catherine; Clemens

Kettlewell, Mrs. Geo. Wallace

Keuerleber, Anna M.; Christ G.

Kevany, Michael & Mary

Keyes, Barbara; Marshall M., estate, probate

Kidd, Abigail W.; widow of Peleg; minor non-resident heirs

Kier, Gesa S.; Harry

Kill, James, married

Killam, P. E.; A. F.

Kimball, M. Viola; C. L.

Kimball, Majesta; Harrison (Kimble, Kimbel---all 3 spellings shown)

Kimble, J. W.; Mary A.

Kimes, Cora E.; David M.

Kimes, S. C.; wife

King, Anna J.; Geo. F.

King, John; Anna M.

King, Nancy; John T.

King, R. A.; Miriam M.

King, R. H.; Ann C.

King, Robt. A.; wife

Kingwell, Benjamin; wife

Kinney, Philanda; E. R., husband

Kinsman, Annie M.; Richard

Kirby, Eliz.; John H.

Kirkpatrick, J. S., widower

Kirkpatrick, J. M., widower

Kizer, Adeline; John Geo. (4/25/1905, J-66)

Kizer, Louie P.; Harry J.

Kizer, Mary E.; Jno. P. (widow 4/23/1877, D-114)

Kleiser, James & Lizzie

Klieser, Nannie D.; James A.

Kloppenburg, C. W., married

Klute, Anna C.; Henry (widow 12/31/1884, E-537)

Klute, Henry, married

Knapp, Mary A., W. L.

Knapp, R. I.; Betsy

Knapp, Wm. D.; wife

Kneller, Geo. W.; wife

Knight, Charles S.; wife

Knight, Wallace H.; wife

Knopp, Frederick, Caroline F.

Knox, Jamina; John M. (11/9/1909, K-276; 7/1/1910, K-326)

Knox, John H., married

Knute, Chas. Louis; wife

Kobes, Mary; Chas. B.

Koch/Kach, Minnie; August

Koch, Mamie I.; Conrad C.

Koch, Margaret J.; John

Koenig, Mrs. Ellen; Frank (8/1/1881, E-122)

Koetitz, Ludie (aka Ludia); Mrs. F. A.; Frederick C. E. A. Administrator; probate

Kohle, August; Katrina

Kohler, Herman; wife; no children

Kohler, Johanna; Wm.

Kohnenberger, Katie; Joseph (2/11/1897, H-539)

Kopp, Ella H.; John G.

Krackert, Marie; Rudolph

Kratzer, Janie; D. W.

Krausse, J. C. H.; wife

Kreichbaum, John George; Lucy

Kreuz, Frank P.; Katharina

Krom, John, married (Krov or Kron)

Kruse, Charles G.; Carrie M.

Kruse, Fred; Clara

Kruse, Louise J.; Frederick A.

Kuffel, Isaac; wife

Kulberg, Sarah J.; A. J.

Kummerle, Emil G.; wife

Kykendall, Dollie; James O. (9/18/1906, K-1; 4/24/1916,


Kyle, Thomas; wife