Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Gaberel, Mattie; Geo. W.; (E-411)

Gaggini, Fortunata; Cormelo

Gaines, Tabitha Jane; Wm. Crocket

Gale, Carrie E.; D. R.

Gale, Margaret S.; Cecil H.

Gale, Mary L.; Lester L.

Gale, Otis S., married

Gallagher, John; Margaret

Gallandett, James H.; wife

Gallard, Catherine; Nicholas

Gallo, Rosa Zamorina; Lorenzo

Gamble, Aaron W.; wife

Gamble, Marie E.; Geo. H.

Gammon, Geo. P.; wife

Gamsjager, Josef; unmarried (Goemsjoergner, Yosef); no children

Ganazzi, Annie A., married

Gardella, Catherine; C. L. (her mark as "Caterina")

Gardiner, Philip W.; wife

Gardner, Cornelia H.; Leonard B.

Garrison, Wm.; wife, Mary Jane; (K-221)

Garver, Emma A.; James L.; 3 minor children; (K-40)

Gaskill, Courtland; wife

Gaston, Judson A., married

Gater, James E.; wife

Gates, Erastus H.; wife, Hattie M.

Gates, Rudolph O.

Gauldin, Isabell; Josiah, dec'd; (I-11)

Gavin, William; Margaret M.

Geary, Janet McN.; Thos. J.; (E-555 and abandonments)

Gebauers, Auguste; Chas.

Gedney, James E.; wife, Emma H.

Geer, Cyrus V.; wife, Jennie (Cyrus dec'd 25 May 1889, D-485; probate)

Geisselmann, Albert; Helene (K-185)

Gemmer, John C.; wife

Gentry, Ivy M.; John

Gentry, W. O.; E. L., wife (A-643; C-189)

Gerard, Eliz.; Emerald, husband

Gerhardt, Dietz; wife

Gerkhardt, H. F.; Christianna

Germone, Margherita; G.

Getchell, Otis; married

Gianotti, Maria, widow; 2 minor children & mother

Giauque, Eliz.

Gibbens, Margaret M.; R. L.

Giberson, Katherine L.; John K.

Gibney, Martha C.; Geo.

Gibson, Anna Eliza; husband, John (E-357; probate)

Gibson, Cordelia J.; James

Gibson, Lucena B.; married

Gibson, Samira; John R.

Gibson, Sarah W.; Henry

Gilbert, Jane A.; Jacob

Gilbert, Nathan C.; married

Gilbert, Platt B.; wife

Gilbert, Thomas A., married

Gilder, Gertrude; Alfred

Gildersleeve, Eliz. R.; Geo. W.

Gilham, David T.; married

Gillan, Edward; wife, Sarah (Sarah dec'd Nov. 1906; K-19)

Gilliam, Lillie M.; S. J.

Gilman, Rebecca C.; F. W.

Gilmore, R. F.; Eliza or Elizabeth (B-434)

Gimberta, Antonia; husband, Andrew

Giovanetti, Katie; Domenico

Girelli, Peter; Mary; children: Lino, Silvio

Gisel, Katrinnes, wife of Jacob

Givens, Elisha, widower

Givlin, Mrs. Margaret; John (C-121)

Gladden, Mary C.; W. N.

Glass, Margaret (Marguerite); Philip (H-587)

Gleason, Margaret; P. H. (E-591)

Glenn, Matilda Jane; Robert

Gloeckner, Tamar; Chas.

Glynn, F. B., married (H-331)

Glynn, Mary J.; Frank

Gobbi, Marie Louise; Julius

Gober, James W.; mother, Rebecca E., widow

Gochnauer, Florence A.; Phillip L.

Godfrey, T. J., married

Goethe, Barbara E.

Goetjen, Henry; wife

Goetzelmann, Ida; Geo. A.

Goldstein, Henry, head of family

Goldstein, Sophie, widow; minor child, Isadore

Goldstone, Harries; wife

Gonsalves, Mary; Frank; dau. Marguerite, 16 yr.

Good, Walter C.; Jeanne S.; (Walter dec’d 22 Aug. 1900); probate

Goodin, Benjamin F., married (C-8)

Goodman, Nellie M.; James Willis; minor son

Goodrich, Martha S.; C. B.

Goodrich, Sadie; W. D.

Goodspead, Anson, married

Goodwin, Maria; Enoch

Gordon, A. J., married

Gore, Gertrude L.; R. F.

Gorski, Della Z.; Carl

Goshen Eliz.; M. D.

Gotzach, Ida A.; Albert H.

Gow, A. W.; Edna Blanche

Graeff, Clara A., unmarried; has father to maintain

Graeter, Henry; wife

Graham, Anthony; wife, Ellen (A-630)

Graham, Augusta A.; Samuel

Graham, Emma; A. R.

Graham, James R.; Ann (A-145)

Graham, Jennie A.; S. F.

Graham, Mary Josephine; Anthony Daniel

Graham, Thos. J.; Eleanor Graham

Graham, Villa A.; James W. (F-447)

Graham, Will Hicks; wife; (A-488)

Granger, Matilda; wife of Samuel

Granice, Grace I., widow; Harry Hale, dec’d 1/2/1915; children: Celeste, wife of W. P. Murphy; Julia, wife of Dr. Fred Sprague; Ramona, wife of Ernest Lynch

Grant, John D.; Anita F.; (Anita, hd. of family; 1 minor; 12/9/1895, H-336)

Grant, Lavina (formerly McCappin); Francis E.

Grasso, Mrs. Mary; Womenico

Graves, G. W.; wife

Graves, Sarah N.; W. S.

Gray, Bessie Mrs.; Geo. H.

Gray, Eliese

Gray, Flora; E. A.

Gray, Garett M., wife, Lydia Jane

Gray, George B.

Gray, Henry Chas.; Lily Haskins, wife

Gray, Isaac; Clarissa

Gray, Isaac; wife

Gray, J. W.; wife, Lillian; 2 children; (K-213)

Gray, Nicholas; wife, Ellen N.

Gray, Olive; O. L. (L-418)

Greaver, John, married

Green, C. F., married

Green, Fannie S.; Geo.

Green, Frank J.; Lillian L.

Green, Manuel, Sr.; wife

Green, Manuel; wife

Green, Marmaduke, widower

Greene, Maggie; Samuel T.

Greene, Mary E.; Wm.A.

Greene, Shadrach; married (C-488)

Greenlee, P. M.; wife, Elizabeth

Greenwood, Henry; married

Greenwood, Mary J.; M. V.

Gregoire, Louis; wife, Celestine (Celestine dec’d 11/20/1900, G-519; probate)

Gregory, Carolina; James R.

Greiner, Frederick (no mention of family)

Greiner, Mary L.; Frederick

Greist, Eliza; Peter

Griess, Catherine; George

Griest, Peter; wife, Leah Agnes

Griffin, Mary E.; Wm.

Griffin, Minnie L.; Henry E.

Griffin, Patrick, widower

Griffith, Annie; S. N.

Griffith, Ethelbert E.

Griffith, Frederick A.; wife

Griffith, Hannah M.; H. C.

Griffith, J. A.; probate; (note: probate book B lost)

Griffith, James A.; wife, Artamesia

Griffitts, Jane Blanche; Edwin Swively

Griggs, Joseph H.; Elvenia

Grimm, Jeannie M.; widow of Albert; minors Dorothy, Kenneth (notarization: "Est. of Frederick Grimm, dec'd")

Grimmer, Chas. A.; Martha K.

Grindle, Monroe W.; Mary H.

Griswold, May

Grove, Catharine, married

Groves, Christian C.; J. W.

Gruidl, Joseph, Antonette

Grundy, Mary Jane, married

Gruwell, R. M., married

Gryff, John A.; Magdalina (John dec’d 5/16/1898, G-160; probate)

Guerin, Ellen; James P.

Guidotti, Teresa; Francisco

Guilfoyle, Mary; Patrick

Guinan, Sarah; James

Gully, Elsie M.; Frank J.

Gum, Isaac; Clara; 4 children; (Isaac dec’d 3/19/1894, F-82; probate)

Gunning, Wm. C.; Anna