Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Faber, Chas. F., insolvent debtor

Faber, Serena A.; Carles (Charles?)

Faber, Serenia Ann, widow; 2 minor grandchildren

Faccini, Maria Saitone; John (Flora, Vittoria, Margherita)

Faio, Antonio, aka Anton Brown; wife, Frances (Brown)

   Faio; 4 minor children; probate

Fairbanks, Charlotte; Percy

Fairbanks, H. T.; & wife

Fairchild, O. G.; Ruth M.

Fairchild, Ruth C.; Olif. G.

Fairgrieve, Barbara J.; John

Fairman, Mary E.; Wm. J.

Fales, Antonia, married

Fanning, Geo. F.; wife

Farish, Wm. A., married

Farley, Wm. T.; wife

Farmer, C. C.; wife

Farmer, J. H.; married

Farmer, John H., estate of; Susanna S., widow; & Lou

Farrar, Geo. B.; Emily K.

Farrar, Jane, married

Farrell, E. T., married; wife & 1 child; (C-225)

Farrell, Ellen

Farrer, Anderson L. & wife, Jane (Jane, dec’d 4 Sep. 1897

Farrer, Emily K; with family

Faught, Jabez; Laurena

Faught, Lou. C.; Wm. C.

Faught, Willis; wife, Nancy E. (D-580)

Faught, Wm.; Nancy

Faure, Frank C.; Mary Elizabeth

Favour, Jane; John J.

Fay, Hiram

Fay, Wilbert L.; Luceba C.

Faylor, Minnie; Orson C.

Fechtelkotter, Hattie; husband, Henry F.; 2 children

Feese, Joseph; Catherine

Feliz, Ada B.; Sisto J.

Fell, Erastus; wife, Lucy Fell (26 Feb. 1877 D-89)

Felt, Cecilia; Wm. W.

Feltz, M. T.; husband, F. C.

Fenger, John; wife

Fenno, Anna; Allen

Fenno, James E.; wife, Mary E. Fenno

Fernald, Johnson; wife, Elizabeth

Fernald, Mary Lillian; Johnson (another marriage?)

Fernbach, Charles; wife

Fernlund, Emanuel; wife

Ferrari, Rosie; John

Ferreira, Barbara; Manuel F.

Ferris, Ida M.; John M.

Fetter, Benjamin M., married; Adrianna W. (B-628)

Fewell, Jas. M., married

Fick, Margaretta F.; John F.

Field, Harriet R.; married (5 Feb. 1894, H-24)

Field, J. C. & wife; C. E. Field

Fields, Mary L.; Thos. W.

Fike, Nathan; married (B-54; 27 Sep. 1871 C-20)

Filcher, J. T., married

Finch, H. P.; wife A. C. (D-134)

Finchley, Cecilia A.; Thomas L.

Fine, A.; wife

Fine, Joff.; wife; (E-463; I-230)

Fine, Wood; wife

Finerty, Mary; Thos.

Finigan, Peter; wife, Joanna (A-16 also)

Finlaw, Anna L., widow of Wm.

Finley, Abbie Jane, married

Finley, Carrie A.; Jefferson D.

Finley, J. J.; wife

Finley, Joseph J.; married

Firebaugh, Charlie Ann, married

Firebaugh, H. C.; wife; 2 children

Fisher, Augustus, married

Fisher, Ed; wife, Anabella (a widow, 19 Feb. 1867, B-85;

Fisher, Lizzie E.; Samuel

Fisher, Susie; S. C.

Fisk, Mary M., widow; minor son, Arthur M.

Fisk, Rufus; Meribah

Fitch, Carrie; Charles

Fitch, John B.; with family (4 Apr. 1866 B-7)

Fitch, Joseph; Sarah Jane

Fitch, Joseph; Mary C.

Fitch, Lydia I.; husband, J. B.

Fitch, William; Clara Pina (B-514)

Fitch, Wm., married

Fitzgerald, Richard; wife

Fix, J. K.; wife

Flanary, Wm. E.; Ann

Flannagan, Jennie; John

Fleckner, Olivia L.; husband, O. P.

Flege, Mary Ann; husband, Henry committed State Hosp. 1867; 2 minor children

Flegel, Henry; wife, Mary Ann

Fleming, Cecilia; husband, William (17 Apr. 1862, A-439)

Fletcher, Berna; husband

Fletcher, Duncan; Sarah

Flewwelling, C.; wife

Flockhart, Gertrude; John

Florence, Luanna J.; Marshall

Florence, Sylvester C.; wife, Jane B.

Florence, Vieva M.; Arthur

Flynn, Henry, married

Fochetti, Julius; widowed dau.; unmarried dau.; 2 minor grandchildren

Foerstler, Mary E.; Carl (28 May 1913, L-1; K-389; L-220)

Folk, Agnes; James

Folks, Jno.; family consists of children only

Folks, John, married

Ford, Mary E.; husband, W. A. (Mary was formerly Campbell)

Foreman, Carl; Gipsy L.

Forester, Annie, unmarried; & "my child"

Foresti, Frank V., Maria

Formschlag, Eliz.; Peter (court order for widow protection)

Forni, Gigia; Natale

Forrester, A. J.; wife, C. C. Hooper

Fortson, John T.; Mary Ann (3 Jun. 1874, C-309)

Foss, Clark; wife, Lydia Ann

Foster, John W.; Nellie A.

Foster, Mary Libby; husband, A. B.

Foster, Nellie A.; John W.

Fouts, Alvin Roy; Amanda O.

Fowler, Charlette E.; husband, James E.

Fowler, Laura, hd. of household; children of deceased brother

Fowler, Minnie A.; N. R.

Fowler, Robert F.; wife, M. S.; 9 children; (6/23/1874, C-317; 4/19/1878, C-597)

Fowler, Susan A.; James H.

Fowler, Warren C.; Jennie; minors Clinton, Doris, Warren, Charlotte

Frahm, Margaret M.; John A. H.

Frain, Maria T.; husband; (I-356)

Frame, Eliza J.; David

Franchetti, Mary; Luigi

Frank, Hans Ebsen, widower

Franklin, D. B.; Winnie

Franklin, J. W.; Frances (G-175)

Franklin, Wm. F.; wife

Franklyn, Winifred; widow; 4 children

Fraser, Geo. W.; wife

Fraser, Thomas; wife, Julia M.

Frasier, Malcom J.; wife

Frates, John; wife

Frati, Aliessendro; Concetta

Frati; Zita; Dominico

Frazier, Alex. H.; wife

Frederichs, Francisco; husband, Gerhard; probate

Frederickson, Anna A.; Thorwald

Fredrichs, Francisco; Gerhard

Fredrick, J. C.; Andine Theodore, wife; minor Alma Louise

Freeman, Geo. W., married

Freese, Rosa B.; John Herman

Freisinn, O. L.; Margarete

Freitas, Tony; Isabella

French, Eva J.; Chas. F.

French, Mary Etta; John N.

Frese, Rosa B.; John H.

Frick, Geo. W.; wife, Mary E. (C-44)

Fried, Henry; wife

Fritsch, John; wife, C. Soloma

Froom, Thornton H., married

Frost, Charles; wife

Frost, Mary Elizabeth; Harvey Chester

Frugoli, Millicent R.; A. J.

Fullagar, Caroline, unmarried

Fuller, C. E.; wife

Fuller, Delia; James P.

Fuller, Isaac; Martha; (Isaac single 10 July 1878; D-292)

Fuller, Laura W.; Geo. E.

Furbee, Katie; Thomas J.

Furber, Katie; T. J.

Fyfe, Julia C.; mother of minor children

Fyfe, William; Jane