Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information Name

Dabner, Isabella F. Silva; Tony

Dabney, C. W.; May M.

Daddi, Virginia; Ferdinando

Daly, Bartholomen, married

Daly, Hannah, unmarried

Damon, E. Charles; wife

Damon, Maggie A.; M. H.

Damsell, Stella A.; Josephus

Daneri, Henry, unmarried

Daniels, Christina L.; daughter Lucile B., 6 mo. (Frederick dec'd)

Daniels, Fannie J.; Roy A.

Daniels, Sarah L.; (Newell dec’d)

Darby, Josie; J. D.

Dardis, Lida; A.

Darrow, Dolly; husband, W. H.

Darrow, John O.; Mary E.

Daugherty, Jno.; wife

Daugherty, John W.; wife, Clementine

Daughhetee, Daniel P., married

Davidson, Alex T.; wife

Davidson, Anne; husband

Davidson, George, head of family

Davies, Thomas C.; wife, Fannie C.; abandonment

Davis, A. G. W.; wife

Davis, A.; Jenne

Davis, Elizabeth; Chas. N.

Davis, Emma M.; Erastus L.

Davis, Geo. B.; wife

Davis, Hannah; husband, Jonathan

Davis, Ida Orcelia; husband, Charles N.

Davis, John B., married

Davis, Jonathan, insolvent debtor

Davis, Josephine M.; Ulysses G. (4/22/1909; K-225)

Davis, Mary E. Ore

Davis, Mary Ann; husband, A. G.

Davis, Mary E.; husband, D. O. (9/21/1883; E-397)

Davis, Mary E.; Erastus L.

Davis, Mary E.; J. E., dec’d

Davis, Rebecca E.; W. W.

Davis, Sarah; husband, W. K.

Davis, Solon W.; Julia A.

Davis. Ira; wife, Catharine (C-462)

Dawkins, Richard W.; Annie

Day, Edwin; wife, (also E-153)

Deal, George, married

Deane-Morgan, R. F.; Charlotte

DeCarly, Modesta; J. B.

Decker, Margaret H.; husband, Henry

Dehay, Marie; Armand

Delanoy, Mary F.; Fred N.; children: Mary Florence, Frederick Wm., Austin B.

DeLatimer, Beulah; Walter V.

Delehanty, Patrick; Ellen (Delehenty)

DeMartini, Victor; Lena

DeMello, Rosa; Manuel Estracia

Demetz, Mrs. Anna; Henry (Demitz in declaration)

Dempsey, Ann; James

Dennes, E. F.; wife

Denning, Julia A., widow

Dennison, E. D.; wife, Ethel S.; l child

Densmore, Geo. F.; wife

DeRosa, Louisa; Manuel

DeRose, Mary; Antone

DeRose, Rosa; Joseph P.

DeSomoza, V, Maria; hus. Fernando (Note: Maria is wife)

Destruel, Jean; wife

Deveraux, Carrie M.; E. W.

Devere. Fred A., married

Dewey, John A.; Clara

Dewey, Wm. H., married

DeWolf, Maria E., widow

Dibble, Jenie

Dickson, John M.; wife

Diebold, Regina/Regine; Geo. (I-242)

Dies, Jennie B.; Carl M.

Dietz, Garhart, insolvent debtor; probate

Dillom, C. H.; wife, M. J.

Dimauro, Elida; husband, Joseph

Dinwiddie, Jas. L., married (G-146)

Dittamore, H. A., married

Doane, Blanche W.; L. W.

Dobner, L.; Annie

Dodge, Abiel B.; wife

Dodge, Pardom M., married

Dodge, W. R.; wife, Susan G.

Dohn, Amelia H.; Geo. E.

Dolan, Anne; Peter

Donahue, James M.; Ella C.

Donahue, Mary J.; Thos. P.

Donatella, Antonio, unmarried

Dondero, Rosa; John B.

Donnelly, John; wife, Bridget (A-575)

Donnelly, John; Ann

Donnelly, Thomas (Donelly), married

Donner, Margaret J., widow

Donnohoe, Joann; John

Donovan, Laura M.; John M.

Dont, Joseph (L-69); Kate

Doolittle, T. B.; wife

Doran, Wm. M.; Sarah

Dorman, Catherine, married

Dorman, Jane Wiley; husband, James

Dornbach, Frederick J.; Ella F.

Dornell, P. A.; wife, (Darnell)

Dorwood, Rose T.; Paul A.

Dottarar, W. S.; Mary J.

Dotter, Cayetono Maria C.; husband, William C.

Doty, Susan W.; Willet R.; son Edwin W. by a former wife

Doty, Willet R., head of family (same property as D-132)

Doud, Philo, married (C-527)

Dougherty, Clementia L.;,widow; 2 minor children, (C-194)

Dougherty, John, unmarried

Dougherty, John; wife

Douglas, George W.; Annie M.

Dout, Mary; Joseph

Dovey, Richard; wife, Jane

Dow, Florence H.; husband

Dow, Mary, married

Dow, Tamar; Wm. B.

Dow, Wm. B., widower

Dowd, Margaret C.; Henry L.

Dowd, Sarah; husband, James E.

Dowling, Wm. M.; wife, Margaret

Downing, William H., married

Dows, Samuel, married

Drago, Margaret T.; Nelson, Sr. (I-340)

Draper, J. H.; wife, Elizabeth; probate

Dratt, Andrew, married

Drever, Harriett; husband, David

Driscoll, John; wife

Driver, David; Harriet

Drosbach, Andrew; wife, Fredricka (Andrew dec’d 4/9/1894;

   F-97; probate)

Drummond, Mrs. Harriet E.; E. W.

Dryden, W. R.; wife

DuBois, Albertine P.; Joseph C.

Ducker, Wm.; wife, Sarah

Dufault, Emelia/Emelie, wife of Oliver "Duval”; signature: "Dufautt"

Duff, Belle C.; James M. (D-36)

Duffy, Thomas; wife, Mary E. (4/19/1889; F-558)

Dugan, P. S., married

Duhring, Frederick; wife, Dorathea (3/10/1890, D-538; probate)

Dumas, Wm.; wife, Sarah

Dunbar, John; wife

Dunbar, Mrs. Mary; W. A.

Dunbar, Wm. F.; wife,

Duncan, A., wife

Duncan, John R., married (A-709; B-249; B-571)

Duncan, Minnie; C. A.

Dunn, Emily; Geo. E.

Dunn, Mary; husband, Andreso

Dunne, Jno.; wife, Ellen

Dunning, Richard W.; Emma

Dunwoody, Emaline; husband, A.

Durand, Nettie; Ira A.

Durst, Ella; John J.

Dutard, Leonee Jacques; wife

Dutil, Albert Robert; wife, Hilda; 2 minors

Dutton, Emily; Reed

Dutton, Mary Jane; James R.

Dutton, Mary; W. H.

Dutton, N. T., Phoebe P. (K-88)

Duval, Lucy T., head of family; 2 minors