Homestead Declarations

(c) Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Applicant and Family Information

Babcock, Harriet; husband, M. D.

Babcock, Hattie R.; John H.; (F-110)

Babcock, Sarah F.; husband, Alfred B. F. Babcook; 3 children; (E-466; M-8)

Baber. James A.; wife, Luch C.

Baber. Randall G.; family

Bacci, Eva; , Alcide

Bacon, John S.; wife, Lucy C.

Bacon, Josiah

Bacon, L. Maude; husband, Arthur D.; Ronald I., a minor

Badger, Geo. W., married

Baer, Sarah A.; husband, George E.

Bagley, Ellen Antoinette; husband, I. W.

Bagley, Mrs. E. A.; John D.

Bahen, Michael; 2 minor children

Bahrs, Herman; wife, Only

Bailey, James B., married

Bailey, M. C.; wife

Bailhache, Josephine; husband, J. N.

Bailiff, John; wife

Baines, Wm. E., head of house: father, John; mother, Sarah

Baker, Annie D.; husband, Albert F.; minor children; (K-309)

Baker, E. T., widow, Isaac dec'd.

Baker, Henry; wife; 3 children; (G-248)

Baker, Mrs. Clara, single woman; 2 sons: Wm. M., 24; Elmer, 11; probate; (I-360)

Baker, William, married

Baker, Wm. & Elmer; Clara dec'd

Baker, Wm.; Dorothy

Bale, Francisca; Edward

Ball, John W.; Eliza M.

Ballard, Emma U.; husband, Ben F.

Ballard, Rachel; John H.

Balletta, P.; wife

Balloti, Asunta; husband, Atillio

Ballow, Isaac A., married

Baltz, Chas. & Anna

Banchieri, Achille; wife; 3 minor children

Banducci, Guiseppina; husband, Angelo

Bane, David A.

Banes, H. L.; wife, Fredricka

Banfield, Martha B.; husband, Fred H.

Bannister, Madeline; husband, Charles O.

Bannon, Mary; John

Baptista, Anselmo S.

Baptista, Mary; Manuel Silva

Barba, Manuel; wife; 11 children

Barbee, Robt. J.; wife, Harriet E.

Barber, Dorothy C.; husband, Lewis R.

Barbieri, Agostino; wife, Giuiditta C.; 5 children; (K-438)

Barenchi, Emilia; husband, Charles, dec’d.

Bargagliotti, Caterina; husband, Victor

Barham, Helen; W. W.

Barham, Luda V.; Ed. C.

Barker, Mary Ann; C. W.

Barnard, Fred A.; wife, Millie F.

Barnes, Alexander; Sarah

Barnes, Alice; Benjamin F.

Barnes, Eliz. A.; Wm. P.

Barnes, Franklin; Seren

Barnes, Helena, married

Barnes, Henry S.; insolvent debtor; probate

Barnes, J. K.; wife

Barnes, Ross A.; wife, Ellen

Barnes, Sarah F.; W. H.

Barnes, Thos. L., widower

Barnes, Velma C.; husband, Benjamin H.

Barnes, William P., unmarried

Barney, M. W. & wife

Barnhardt, C. M.

Barrelli, Joseph; Johanna

Barrett, Nora L.; husband, Francis E.

Barricks, Catherine E.; Louis Henry

Barry, John; wife

Barry, John; Nancy L.

Barry, Mary, widow of Edward

Barth, Adam; wife, Catherine

Barth, Adam; wife, Catherine & children

Barth, Catherine, married

Bartholomew, James H. S.; wife, Helen S.; son Sherman B.;


Barton, John; wife, Elizabeth A.

Bartsch, Anna; husband, Charles

Baruch, H.; Sara

Basso, M. Laura; husband, Ferdinand Lodo

Bassoni, Louis; Ella

Bastable, Julia; husband, B. Bastable; 3 minor children

Batchelder, M. L., Mrs.

Batchelor, Mrs. Selma; husband, John S.

Batchelor, Susie, unmarried; 2 minors: Wayne, 18; Elmer, 8;


Batchelor, Susie, head of family; Elmer, 12 yrs.; (30 Sep. 1918,


Bates, Mary M.; John L.

Bates, Pauline; husband, W. F.

Bates, Phillip; Malinda M., ;B-551)

Bauer, Lena; Joseph

Bauer, Louis; wife, Sophie

Baum, Bridget; husband, August; probate

Baumeister, Rosa; husband; 3 children

Baur, John; wife

Bayler, John; wife

Baylis, Honorah; husband, Thomas F.

Beacom, Mary; Thomas; (E-130)

Beam, Jeremiah, married

Beam, Laura P.; husband, Eben D.

Bean, Michael; wife, Mary

Beatty, John C.; wife

Beatty, W. F.; wife, Margaret A. Milliari

Beauchamp, Eliz. A.; husband, J. O.

Beaujot, Felicien

Beaver, Mary Jane; Henry; (14 Dec. 1897, probate, G-58)

Becker, Mary; John

Beckner, Wm. D.; wife, Angeline

Beebe, Mary; Elijah

Beedle, Charlotte; Louis

Beedle, L.; wife; (N. on notarization)

Beel, Annie C., widow

Beene, L.; wife

Beeson, Caroline W.; W. S.

Beeson, Emma; E. J.

Beeson, I. R.; wife

Beggerow, Hermann C. A.; wife, Hedwig; 2 minor children

Behmer, Ida A.; Daniel

Behmer, Ida; Daniel

Behmer, Mary E.; John

Behmer, Mary; not now married; one son; one daughter

Behmer, Rosa A.; John

Behnisch, Augusta

Belden, Jessie M.; husband, George M.

Belknap, D.; wife, & grandchild

Bell, Geo. S.; wife, Amelia A.; 3 children

Bell, J. S.; L. A., Mrs.

Bell, John W.; Candis A.

Bell, Lucy, Mrs.

Bell, Luther; wife

Bella, Victoria; children: Joseph, 8; Louise, 4 yrs.

Bellandi, Elvira; husband, J.

Bellaria, Pietra; wife, Rosa

Benjamin, A. M., married; (B-620)

Benjamin, A. M.; Lucy J.

Benjamin, Lucy J.; widow of A. J.; no minor children

Bennett, C. E.; Ada L.; no children

Bennett, Clarressa, unmarried

Bennett, Rose E.; husband, Isaac N.

Bennett, Susan, married

Benning, Katie; Anton

Benson, Mary L.; husband, Henry; his son, H. Urban; her sons, Ray/Jesse

Berdrow, O. L.; wife

Berg, August, married

Berger, Moses; family

Berka, John; wife

Berka. F.; wife

Bernard, Lyde H.; husband, John; (M-65)

Berry, Allice; head of household

Berry, D. T.; wife, Alice

Berry, John; wife, Teresa E.

Berry, Lillie; husband, Jos. P.

Bertoli, Paul; wife

Bertoni, P.; wife, Giovanna; 5 children

Bethel, Chester, married

Bettencourt, Frank; wife, Leah

Beusan, John J.; wife, Mary J.

Bew, Caroline; husband, George; son, George H.; daughter, Jennie Prindle; probate

Beyer, Ernest C.; wife

Beyer, Ernest C.; insolvent partner, Rice & Beyer

Bianchini, Mary, Mrs., widow

Bianchini, Misaele; wife, Joseppina

Bice, Cornelius; Mary J.

Biddle, B. R.; wife

Biddle, E. W.; wife

Bigelow, Rosilla M.; Zadoc M.

Bigham, Emma; husband, Mitchel

Bigsby, Chas. B.; wife, Eliza

Bigsby, Mary J.; Milton S.

Billings, Eliza Ann; John F.

Birck, Alexander; wife, Emmaline; child 14 yrs.

Birck, Emmaline; husband, Alexander

Bird, Grace H.; Albert R.

Bishop, Martha; John J.

Bishop, T. C., dec’d.; Mary

Bither, Sarah Jane; M. G.

Bittman, Adda Johnstone; husband, L. R.; Bittmann; Mary Florence, 5 yrs.

Bizzini, Katie; Julius, dec’d.; no children; probate

Black, Ellen; Alexander

Black, Sarah Alice; George Henry

Blackburn, Allen H.; wife

Blackburn, Charles; wife

Blackburn, Charles; family

Blackburn, Chas.; Jemima Jane

Blackburn, Frank L.; wife, Caroline W.; (K-163)

Blackburn, Jemima J.; Charles, dec’d.; probate

Blackburn, Maud; husband, C. W.

Blair, Adel; husband, John N.

Blair, John; Frederike

Blakeley, Samuel; wife, Elizabeth

Blanchard, D. H.; wife, Martha A.; 1 child

Blanchard, Martha A.; husband, David H.

Blasi, Rudolph, single

Bledsoe, A. C.; Elizabeth D.; (B-336)

Blinn, Mortimer; Amanda M.

Bliss, E. Louise, widow of Wm. D.

Blosser, Thomas G.; wife, Mary J.

Blunden, Edna B.; husband, James

Bly, Ella L.; Albert R.

Board, Izora O.; Wm.

Bobell, John C. A.; wife, Emma; no children

Bocca, Angelina; Francisco

Bock, David; Lucy

Boehm, Oscar; Wilhelmina

Boehm, Wilhelmina; Oscar

Boesch, Jacob; wife, Bertha

Boggess, Minnie, Mrs.; husband, R. G.

Boggiano, Domenico; wife

Boggs, Fred C. S., married

Boggs, Geo. W., married,; (C-43)

Boggs, Joseph O.; Deborah A.; (C-154)

Boggs, William M.; wife, Sonora

Bohnenberger, Luella D.; Chas. U.

Boido, Erminia; husband, Guiseppe

Boin, Manuel A.; wife, Mary; 7 children; (EK-125)

Bond, Alfred; wife, Eleanora

Bond, J. L.; wife, M. M.

Bond, Joshua L.; M. M.; (F-364, probate, 30 Dec. 1895)

Bond, Richard L., married

Bond, William H., married

Bond, Wm. Hammet, married; (B-396; C-276)

Bones, John; wife

Bonham, B. B.; wife, Bones, Martha M.; (B-134; B-152)

Bonnard, Marie; unmarried; two children

Bonsell, J. C., married

Bonvecchio, Vittorio; wife, Teodora

Booth, Edith Griffith; husband, Lorrin; (See L-116)

Bopst, Beulah M.; husband, Douglas L.

Boquist, Charles V.; wife

Borba, Angeline; husband, Emanuel I.

Borba, Jennie; Manuel

Borda, Gertrude G.; husband, Joseph W.

Borer, Eliza H.; John

Borgwardt, August; Olina/Oliun

Borland, Lee, married

Born, J.; wife

Boschetti, Pietro; wife, Maria; minor daughter

Boss, Henry; wife, Sarah H.

Bossa, Margerita; husband, Battista

Bostwick, Adelaid L.; husband; 2 children; (E-307); husband requested recording

Bosworth, Georgina J.; widow

Bosworth, James O., married

Bourdens, Lucie; husband, Pierre; (D-552; I-266)

Bowden, Elizabeth A., widow of Isaac

Bowden, John W., head of family; minor children

Bowden, Mary A.; John B.

Bowen, J. A.; Ruby E.

Bowen, Mary; Frank

Bowen, William; Mary; (A-588)

Bower, W. G.; wife, Julia M.

Bowers, Stella M.; H. P.

Bowman, J. F., married

Bowman, William F., wife, Rebecca

Boyd, Robert S., wife

Boyes, H. D.; wife

Boyes, John M.; wife, Cora E.

Boyes, Lucinda C.; husband, John B.

Boyes, Rosina Esther; husband, A. E.

Boyes, Sarah F.; John F. “Boyce” in notarization

Boyle, Catherine; Henry

Boyle, Henry; wife, Catharine; (C-10)

Brackett, Joanna; J. H.

Bradbury, Emaline; John G.

Bradlee, Stephen H.; wife

Bradley, Hugh; (H-113)

Bradshaw, Frances B.; husband, I. A.

Bradwick, Albert, married

Brady, Sarah, unmarried

Brady, William F.; Anna Sophie; child, Helen Marie

Brainerd, H. P.; wife; (19 Dec. 1905, J-116)

Bramwell, Roland/Rowland; wife

Brand, Esther; husband, Meyer; 5 children

Brandon, Mynta S.; husband, Herbert A.

Brandt, Alonzo B.; wife, Mary E.

Brandt, Emma, married

Brannum, Muranda; husband, Caswell

Bransford, Z. W.; wife

Bransford, Zerrel W., married; (E-125)

Branstad, Karen Mathea; J. L.

Braun, Eliz.; Otto

Bray, Frank, married

Bray, Wm., single

Brayton, Grace L.; husband, William H.

Brazill, Margaret; Thomas

Brazill, Margaret; husband, Thomas

Breans, B. W. K., married

Brehm, Marie, Mrs.; husband, Emil

Breitenbach, Annie S.; husband, Louis

Brennan, Lillian A.; husband, James T.

Brennan, Lillie L.; husband, J. J.

Bresee, Sylvester B.; wife, Elizabeth

Brice, Margaret; William

Briemle, Emilie; husband, L.

Brigandi, Angelo; wife, Concheta; and children

Briggs, Jerome; Elizabeth R.; (I-382)

Briggs, Mary E.; Alfred

Briggs, Robt. W.; wife, Emoline; (C-263)

Brigham, G. H., Sr.; wife, Annie M.

Brittain, Alva M.; husband, Lester

Brittain, Mary Jane; Harvey

Brockman, Israel; wife

Brockman, Jos. E.; Mary Jane Culbertson Brockman

Brockman, Milton; wife, Martha C.; (B-391)

Brockman, Virginia M.; husband, Henry M.

Brodigan, Nicholas; Bridget

Broocke, L. E.; Elvira P.

Brooks, Ezra L., married; (C-278; G-437)

Brooks, John S.

Brooks, Rachel; husband, Ezra D.

Brookshire, Elijah; (C-19; C-217)

Brothers, Joseph Burgan; wife

Brown (Broun), Ella; Frederick T.

Brown, A. G.; wife

Brown, Alfred; wife

Brown, Anna M.; Arthur De W.

Brown, Annie St. Clair; J. C.

Brown, Cora Belle; husband, Edgar A.

Brown, Cordelia A.; J. H.

Brown, Dan’l; wife, B. F.

Brown, Daniel, married

Brown, Diantha R., Mrs.; Frederick W.

Brown, E., married

Brown, Eliza J.; M. D.; (I-165)

Brown, Ella; husband

Brown, Emerson; wife, Mary E.

Brown, Frank S.; wife

Brown, Geo. W.; wife, Mary Elizabeth; minor child, Charles R.

Brown, Harriet; Sam’l; probate

Brown, Hiram, widower

Brown, Ida; husband, Elmo

Brown, John; wife; 2 children

Brown, Josiah; wife, Anastasie D.; (B-211)

Brown, Julia C.; Geo. M.

Brown, L. W., married

Brown, Maria Jose; Frank S.

Brown, Marie, Mrs.; Geo. S.

Brown, Martha; Judson

Brown, Mary Ellen; Horace E.

Brown, Mortlock; wife, Mary

Brown, Ruth; husband, W. R.

Brown, T. P.; wife; 5 children

Brown, W. R.; wife, Ruth

Brown, Wm. M.; May M.

Brown, Wm.; wife

Browne, Eliza, Wm.

Browne, R. S., head of family; 1 minor child

Bruer, Gertrude O.; husband, Fred M.

Brumfield, Geo. P.; Anna

Brumfield, Thomas; wife

Bruner, Anna E.; widow, alone

Bruning, Christopher H. W.; Amanda

Bruns, Adolph Herman; Auguste

Brusa, Paolo; wife, Josephone; 8 children

Brush, D. C., married

Brush, Geo. M.; wife; (H-505)

Brush, Julia A.; husband, J. H.

Brush, Lena G.; husband, Frank A.

Brush, Rachel A., married

Bryan, C. W.; wife

Bryan, C. W.; wife

Bryan, Joseph P. Hilda; Joseph, a minor

Bryant, Allen, wife

Bryant, Bettie; husband, Allen

Bryant, Fannie E.; W. J.

Bryant, L. Upham, Mrs.; husband

Bryant, Louisa T.; husband, Charles G.

Bryant, Margaret J.; Andrew J.

Bryant, Susan E.; W. H.

Bryant, Thomas H.; wife

Bryant, Wm. S.; L. W.

Bryant, Wm. C.; wife, Ann

Buckland, Leonard H.; wife

Buckle, Julia Etta; Thomas

Buckmaster, Solomon; wife; (G-189, insolvent debtor)

Budd, E. R.; wife, Adaline S.

Bugbee, Elnora A.; Norman

Bugbee. Eva May; 1 minor

Bull, Jennie, widow

Bullard, Wm. P.; wife, Adaline M.

Bumbaugh, E. A., Mrs.; husband

Bumbaugh, Emma A.; C. M.

Bunch, Martin; wife, Mary E.

Burbank, Caleb; wife, Charlotte F.

Burch, Geo. W.; wife

Burdick, J. D.; wife

Burel, Emilie; husband, Joseph; Arthur, 14; Josephine, 12; Eloise, 10; Eugenie, 8; Emilie, 5; Alice

Burgess, Rybert John

Burgett, Eliz.; Wm.

Burghard, Gustavus F.; wife

Burke, Margaret; husband, Thomas; adult children: Mary L., Chas A.; Thomas, Jr.; Catherine; Agnes, and James (minor)

Burnett, A. J., widower; probate

Burnett, John H.; wife

Burnett, Mary C., widow; 1 minor

Burnett, Wm., married

Burnett, Wm.; C.

Burney, John; wife

Burnham, A. E.; wife

Burns, Elisa; Peter

Burns, Johanna; husband, George; no children

Burns, Lizzie L.; Lewis A.

Burr, Isabel D.; Frank

Burris, Laura M.; husband, Luther W.

Burris, Wm.; wife, Elizabeth

Burroughs, R. E.; wife

Burrus, Geo. W.; wife

Burus, Anna J.; Eugene F.

Bush, H. N.; wife, Maria I.; 2 children

Bushnell, Amasa, married

Buster, Francis Marion; Melinda Elizabeth

Butler, (Buttler) Mary; Frank

Butler, Ann E.

Butler, Caroline H.; Francisco

Butler, James, married

Butler, Jesse L.; (see "Patents")

Butler, Joanna L.; husband, A. J.

Butler, Thos. J.; wife

Butler, Wm. A.; wife, Margaret F.; (A-312)

Butt, Alfred; wife

Button, Betsey M., married; family

Button, Ellen H.; I. V.

Button, Isaac V., married

Butts, Margaret; husband, T. J.

Butts, Mary R.; David C.

Byers, Emma E.; husband, W. A.; (8 Nov. 1915, L-228)

Byrne, Amelia F.; husband, Malichy; probate

Byrne, M., married; (E-108; G-427)

Byrum, B., Mrs.